Free Workbook: This is Your Time!

Nicole's Tools, Tips,

and Meanderings

Creating Quality Relationships with Authentic Communication

Learning to speak your truth in a way that fosters understanding, connection, and mutual respect in a world often dominated by noise and superficial...

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Donā€™t Mistake Preparation for Action

Changing our lifestyle really does follow a process of change. Don’t let yourself get trapped in the preparation stage of change. I remind people that...

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The Power of Now: Embracing Presence in a Fast-Paced World

In a world that seems to be constantly in motion, where every moment is a race against time, the art of being present often takes a back seat. But you can...

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Mastering Motivation: Choose Your Direction Wisely

Motivation is the driving force behind our actions and decisions. But have you ever stopped to consider the direction your motivation is taking you?



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Cultivating Awareness and Embracing Accountability

In a world that often feels like a whirlwind of commitments and distractions, taking a moment to reconnect with ourselves becomes not just a luxury but a...

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Unleash Your Potential: How Presence Elevates Productivity

Have you ever felt like life is passing you by in a blur of endless tasks and distractions? Do you find yourself constantly thinking about the past or...

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I fixed the dryer.

I fixed the dryer. It’s not a fancy dryer.

I see it like tossing crumpled paper into the trash can from afar; if I make it, cool! If I don’t make...

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I was the problem.

I've been sitting here collecting my thoughts on what I need to move forward to promote my recent book "FEELING STUCK?" while looking at upcoming speaking...

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You can reframe your mindset and take positive action

I sat down with Tamiko Chambers of Starchild Social to talk about mindset, empowerment, taking control and so much more.


Here's a few notes to...

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Creating Order and Calm Within Chaos

I've been talking to a lot of people recently, from friends and family to clients and the common denominator most people are grappling with is: loss of...

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