Free Workbook: This is Your Time!

Nicole's Tools, Tips,

and Meanderings

4 Simple Therapeutic Tools for Workout Recovery

In early 2024 I launched a new online shop, ReviveWell Fitness. Its focus is on wellness recovery items.

I wanted to share a blog post from its site...

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The Power of Now: Embracing Presence in a Fast-Paced World

In a world that seems to be constantly in motion, where every moment is a race against time, the art of being present often takes a back seat. But you can...

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Sitting is Hurting You.

We all sit so this applies to everyone, but if you have a desk job, drive for most of the day, or find yourself sitting to watch hours of television you are...

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Creating Order and Calm Within Chaos

I've been talking to a lot of people recently, from friends and family to clients and the common denominator most people are grappling with is: loss of...

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Goal Setting. Do You Move Towards or Move Away?

There are people who focus on Moving Away from something they don’t want and others who focus on Moving Towards what they do want.

Move Away

  • I...
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Do's & Don'ts of Ice Therapies

As a fitness coach I have had people ask what they can do more of to improve their health and fitness. Many people listen to suggestions surrounding strength...

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6 Tips for Beach Running

As summer approaches it’s hard to resist the pull of the ocean or lakefront and the desire to run/walk on the sand. From mindfulness to fitness,...

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Be Decisive

Making good decisions by considering multiple perspectives, pros & cons, and intellectual and emotional input is awesome. But do you ever find yourself...

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Dining Out Tips

Too often people look at dining out and vacation eating as a free-for-all. But I’m here to tell you it is not adjacent to the life you live, it is part...

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Get Some Sleep.

Sleep takes up about a third of our lives but too many people take it for granted. We push on, work a little longer, study a little more, and sometimes even...

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It Doesnā€™t Matter How Well You Did, It Matters That You Dared to Do it.

I had the good fortune of participating in a running relay event with my clients this past weekend, all of whom are acquaintances to each other. We were a...

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Vegan or Starchaholic?

Do you or people you know claim to live a vegan lifestyle but don’t actually eat many vegetables? Are you leading an animal protein-free lifestyle...

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