Nicole's Tools, Tips,

and Meanderings

Desperate People Do Desperate Things.

We find that in the most desperate times of life we make some of the poorest choices. 

For example:

* When you finally slid as far down the hill as you...

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Life is Like a Rip Current.

We spend so much of life resisting, a natural response when deviated from our intended direction. Those who keep fighting life changes as if in a rip current...

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What is Myofascial Release?

Fascia is a general term we use to describe connective tissue. It’s the shiny Saran Wrap stuff that divides a steak into smaller compartments, and it...

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Every Day is a New Opportunity.

Learn from the broken pieces of yesterday, then leave them behind so they don’t drag you back on your journey forward. We must clear out the old to...

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Carbs, Proteins & Fats - The Basics

Eating a well-balanced meal 3 times/day, plus 3 reasonably balanced snacks every day is essential for metabolic stability, stamina and muscle maintenance....

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How Self-Doubt Rules People

Self-doubt is a huge driver in our lives, wouldn’t you agree? Whether it be about appearance, intelligence, decision making or social acceptance, there...

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Everybody is a Genius
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
– Albert...
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Be Responsible for Things Important to You
Would you rely on a wake-up call and not set your own alarm if you had an important meeting or interview? The answer is likely “no.”...
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Your Time is Now!
When is the last time you did something just for you? Stepped out of your comfort zone and had a life changing breakthrough? Everything we do yields a...
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Action. The difference Between Wishful Thinking and Projection.
Vision without Action is wishful thinking.
Believing you are a certain way without Action is projection.
What Action will you take today?
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Intentional Living: Living with Purpose and Fulfillment
Do you ever wonder where the day, week or month went? It’s not uncommon and we’ve all literally asked that question at some point. As society...
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Suffering in Silence: Undiagnosed ADHD in Women
Misunderstandings about the differences in ADHD symptoms in males and females have gone on since the initial clinical studies of the 1970s. Really...
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GetĀ Notes from Nicole Weekly

Nicole willĀ share her inspirational messages,Ā meanderings, motivation, and self-care ideas that she often has while driving or mowing the lawn. Each "Note" is a relatable thought or anecdote from real life and often inspired by personal conversations or with her clients.