Nicole's Tools, Tips,

and Meanderings

Practicing What I Preach

If you are anything like me you have a lot going on during the Fall and Winter seasons. I might be a coach, but just like everyone else we are regular people...

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Where You Are at is OK, Because Itā€™s Where You Are.

When I work with clients I often hear stories of the glory days, when they were more fit, healthy, accomplished etc. I think that is awesome. The challenge...

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Learn Something New: Lessons from the Tennis Court

Every year I like to learn or try something new to keep me growing as an individual. As a coach it also helps to remind me of how challenging learning...

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Temptation and Self-Discipline.

At yesterday’s Nutrition Essentials Seminar I let everyone in on the secret to weight management. Are you ready? It’s Self-Discipline. Assuming...

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Better Life Quality Is In Your Reach. And the Secret Is...

A healthier, more fit and longer life is within your grasp. A significant amount of research shows that exercise is the magic ingredient for a better quality...

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What Is Your Gift?

I believe in the extraordinary potential that exists within everyone. Now I don’t just mean a person’s ability to draw, or do math or whatever...

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Overthinking: Exhausting and Unproductive.

Visualization is a powerful tool. When used to enhance physical performance, help manifest something in your future, or recover from injury, visualization is...

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Critical Thinking and Disinformation.

Like many of you I am a participant in social media in its various forms. My blog today is fully inspired by the incredible amount of false content we have...

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Focus On What's Ahead.

I got a photo from a former client today, it was of her from a few years ago when she was much heavier. It popped up as a memory on Facebook and she wanted...

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On Belonging

As a social society we are creatures who gather and find safety and comfort in likeness. Much like we see in today’s very connected, yet disconnected...

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Minimize Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

During a workout we push or pull weights, feel sore, stop, and after a minute do it all over again. The pain you experience during the exercise is called...

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Love Your Partner Every Day. Appreciate Their Never-ending Commitment.

I love to share my personal insight with the hopes of lifting those around me, educating, and reminding us to have life balance and to take ownership....

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GetĀ Notes from Nicole Weekly

Nicole willĀ share her inspirational messages,Ā meanderings, motivation, and self-care ideas that she often has while driving or mowing the lawn. Each "Note" is a relatable thought or anecdote from real life and often inspired by personal conversations or with her clients.