Nicole's Tools, Tips,
and Meanderings
Too often people look at dining out and vacation eating as a free-for-all. But I’m here to tell you it is not adjacent to the life you live, it is part...
In the next month or so I’ll have the privilege of speaking to the Boys and Girls Club as one of their Role Model speakers. If you don’t know...
Forgiving and forgetting are two different things.
Whether you did something or something happened to you, we can’t forget the experience because...
Sleep takes up about a third of our lives but too many people take it for granted. We push on, work a little longer, study a little more, and sometimes even...
I had the good fortune of participating in a running relay event with my clients this past weekend, all of whom are acquaintances to each other. We were a...
Do you or people you know claim to live a vegan lifestyle but don’t actually eat many vegetables? Are you leading an animal protein-free lifestyle...
It's been an incredible four days of snowboarding with great people. I've truly had the best snowboard trip to date. I felt good and the weather was...
Just a little reminder…
Now get going.
The idea of strength evokes a sense of power, dominance and control. However, when it comes to embracing the wholeness of another person, aren’t you...
As we move into another year ask yourself what you want, then take an HONEST look at where you are and how you got there. Now accept that. Are you in a job...
Last week I met with a woman I have never trained for the second time. She had been referred by a former client I trained a long time ago with whom I still...
All the cholesterol you need to function properly is manufactured in the liver, however it also comes from the foods we eat. Cholesterol and triglycerides...
GetĀ Notes from Nicole Weekly
Nicole willĀ share her inspirational messages,Ā meanderings, motivation, and self-care ideas that she often has while driving or mowing the lawn. Each "Note" is a relatable thought or anecdote from real life and often inspired by personal conversations or with her clients.